Village Halloween Parade
2017 marks the 44th annual Village Halloween Parade which is famous for its unique and creative giant puppets. These unbelievable creations are designed by master craftsmen and artists from the New York City Area, Upstate New York, New Jersey, Boston, and even Cleveland. The thing that keeps them inspired is the energy from the over 50,000 participants and spectators of the yearly event. If you want to participate, all you have to do is arrive in full costume and join in the parade fun. This year’s theme is Cabinet of Curiosities: An Imaginary Menagerie, so be as wildly imaginative as possible when designing your costume. In addition to the hundreds of puppets and thousands of costumed participants, there will also be 53 bands from a wide variety of music, dancers, and lots of artists. Be sure to keep an eye out for the Spider and the Squid, this year’s star puppet creation.